A Kids on the Block Program

This program is appropriate for ages 6-7 or grades 1-2. This three-part program consists of pre-presentation information, a 25 minute interactive life-size puppet play and followup activities.

Let’s Talk About Viruses

Featuring Natalie Gregg, a young adult and her next door neighbour Joanne Spinoza, a young girl who often drops in to visit Natalie – her former baby sitter.

Joanne is preparing her speech about Viruses to present to her class. She asks Natalie for help. As Joanne reads her speech, Natalie provides comments and initiates interaction from the audience.

In this script, the audience learns about staying healthy, different types of Viruses and the definition of HIV and AIDS. They learn that sharing toys and books with someone who is HIV positive and becoming that person’s friend is alright because one does not get AIDS that way.

Pre-Presentation Activities Include:


germsimmune systemantibodies
red and white blood cellsmicroscope
acquired immune deficiency syndrome (define)

1) What do you already know about viruses? (Make a list)

2) What are the names of some viruses? (eg. Flu, Chicken Pox)

3) How would you take precautions from getting a Virus?

Story Telling: 
Share personal stories of times when you were sick and what you did to get better

Creative: Design your own germ or nasty bug

Read Books: About viruses

Investigate: About what a microscope is. What is the difference between a microscope and a telescope?

There are a number of follow-up activities that are included in the package

After students have participated in the puppet performance there are a number of activities that can be done with the young people to stimulate discussion on the topic of Viruses and deepen their understanding of virus prevention and their understanding of problems faced by people with certain viruses.